Saturday, February 28, 2009

Today I managed to complete my 30 mile ride. We started at Marymoor Park near Redmond and rode down the east side of Lake Samamish through Issaquah and a little past the Hang Glider parking lot and back. I had a new saddle and I am sore now (although it still wasn't as bad as the first time when we only did 13 miles). I also had new foot cages for the pedals. The right one was a real help when starting as I could pull the pedal up into a better position. The left one is being removed before the next ride as I had so much trouble getting it turned in the right position for putting my foot in with the result that it dragged a lot. The last few miles I was getting cramps in my right back and periodically had to stop and stretch and walk it out a little before getting back on the bike. Thank goodness for all the good support we have with Team in Training. The others in my group kept waiting for me even though they could easily have finished way before me. Thanks too for everyone's prayers which helped keep me going.

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